Rosacea Treatment in Redlands

Rosacea is characterized by persistent skin redness, the prominence of blood vessels, blotchiness, and reddish bumps or pimples on the face; it’s as if you have the inclination to blush or flush quickly and without reason. In particular, it commonly develops in the cheeks, chin, nose, forehead, ears, and neck. There is no outright “cure” for rosacea and it is often unpredictable; even if you avoid triggers and follow a treatment plan that eliminates the symptoms, it can return without warning. However, the skin experts at our dermatology practice can help you manage the condition by minimizing symptoms as much possible.

For milder cases, topical medications can reduce redness while oral medications can shrink bumps and pimples. For more severe symptoms, laser or IPL (intense pulsed light) therapy is effective for improving blood vessels and/or reducing blushing and flushing.

West Dermatology Redlands
1457 Ford St #105 Redlands, CA 92373
(909) 748-5900

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